Ukraine: Business Opportunities and Cooperation in Times of Crisis

May 30, 2023

Today, the General Manager of the EEN-Ukraine consortium, Olena Fesenko, participated in the online event “Ukraine: Business Opportunities and Cooperation in Times of Crisis,” organized by the Andalusian Employers’ Confederation and the Enterprise Europe Network. The event focused on the role of Andalusian companies in the reconstruction of Ukraine.

It was a wonderful experience of knowledge exchange, ideas, and networking with Ukrainian and Spanish partners. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the economic and social situation in Ukraine, a country that has been suffering from the consequences of the war with Russia, which has had a significant impact on its industrial structure and population.

Despite the challenges, Ukraine remains a country with great business potential and opportunities for Andalusian companies, particularly in sectors such as agribusiness, construction, renewable energy, logistics, healthcare, and technology.

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