A Spanish biotech company, with extensive experience in industrial microbiology, offers biomass scale-up and tailor-made solutions for fermentation processes.

Country of Origin: Spain
Reference Number: TOES20210427002
Pubilcation Date: 2021-04-27


A Spanish biotechnology company is offering its extensive experience in fermentation and biomass scale-up with the aim of industrializing processes that involve the use of microorganisms.
They are looking for clients interested in applying their solutions and partners for a possible cooperation through technical cooperation agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance.


A Spanish based company provides process knowledge, design and equipment built for scale up and tailor-made solutions for fermentation processes. The systems are already available and find their application in upstream processing for different sectors that employ industrial biotechnology solutions. The system is highly functional and is available in different working volumes up to large industrial scale.

The proposed technology includes tailor-made microorganisms growing, biomass scale up, fermentation solutions.
The company has over 10 years of R&D experience in this field and is continuously working on improvement and innovation.
The technology and expertise of the company covers a wide range of applications such as: biotechnology, food industry, fermentation processes, biocontrol, biofertilization, enzyme production.

Nowadays the company has over 200 bioreactors installed in different sectors and it is present in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Chile and Argentina.

The company is looking for clients that employ microorganisms and fermentation solutions and want to reduce their costs and increase their performance and potential partners interested in technical cooperation agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Expertise sought

Stage of Development

Already on the market

Stage of Development Comment

Requested Partner

- Type of partner sought:

- Specific area of activity of the partner:
Food industry, biofertilization, biotechnology.

- Task to be performed:
The company would work together with partners who use micro-organisms and fermentation solutions in order to optimise the processes, scale-up, fermentation, protein over-expression, etc.

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