20-22 November 2017 the Coordinator of the EEN-Ukraine Consortium Fesenko Olena took part in the 10th Annual Conference of Network Europe Enterprise held in Tallinn, Estonia. The conference was held at the Nordea Concert Hall, a contemporary venue for business and cultural events in the centre of the Estonian capital.
This event is usually organised in the country holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union during the second half of the year. This is the biggest forum for its members to meet, learn from each other in order to improve the quality of services and strengthen its structures through networking for the future. This year’s event concentrates on Estonia’s experience in digital services for businesses and citizens.
The Annual Conference is the main event of the Enterprise Europe Network. It brings together business advisers from more than 600 Network member organisations from more than 60 countries as well as representatives from the European Institutions and key external stakeholders.
This year’s edition is organised in partnership with the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Speakers at the opening ceremony were Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid, who emphasized the importance of the development and science in Estonia. She said that Estonia is trying to increase spending on science and innovation in the next year and expressed the idea of building a society of highly technological educated people (digital people); Kaidi Ruusalepp in her speech described how the Estonian economy developed after liberation from the Soviet Union, which priorities were chosen, about the establishment of the Department of Innovation Support and the Digital Technology Initiative Group; Julien Guerrier, Director, Agence for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, made a report on the importance of small and medium-sized businesses as locomotives of the economy and finally Andrus Ansip, vice president for the digital market, who spoke about the principle of building the foundation of the EU economy in medium-sized enterprises and the importance of spreading IT technology in all spheres of life. All reports raised lively interest and many discussions during breaks.
The programme of this year’s Annual Conference includes a wide range of activities:
- Opening and closing plenary sessions
- Master classes – to hear the latest from high profile experts and thought leaders
- Workshops – to delve deeper into key issues and strategies
- Case studies – to hear how other organisations are responding to the same challenges
- How-to sessions – to develop the skills to succeed in your role in the Network
- Working meetings – time and space for Network partners to get down to work on specific issues
- National meetings – National consortia can take advantage of the rooms available at the venue to organise their own meetings on Wednesday 22 November
The Coordinator of the EEN-Ukraine Consortium held a series of meetings where the plans for events for the next calendar year were discussed.
Download the FINAL DETAILED conference programme with speakers as pdf here.