Meet the Winners of the Seeds of Bravery Grant

June 2024

Introducing the first cohort of grant recipients under the Seeds of Bravery project’s support program for innovative services – fourteen startups, each receiving up to €10,000. These grants aim to support business plans and strategies that will significantly advance Ukraine’s tech ecosystem by fostering innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs), startups, and their scaling.

Here are the projects that received funding:

  • Bank of Memories – A SaaS platform for important memories and documents powered by blockchain.
  • BeesAgainstMines – Development of AI and robotic systems for contactless clearing of contaminated land from hazardous objects.
  • Better Time Stories – An innovative platform that combines storytelling with technology to enhance learning and cultural connections for children in Europe.
  • Briller.House – Creating a network of production hubs for the rapid delivery of beautiful, modern, comfortable, and carbon-neutral buildings.
  • Caretech Business Plan Development – A Ukrainian healthtech startup developing solutions for remote patient monitoring at home, aiming to revolutionize health management.
  • Haiqu Business Plan Enhancement – Collaboration with business consultants to improve business processes and develop a comprehensive business plan as a roadmap for the next two years.
  • GIOS Math Platform – An interactive AI-based math platform and tutor marketplace for K12 students and teachers.
  • LEZO – An AI-based employment platform that matches candidates and employers with a skills-first approach.
  • Mantis Analytics – An AI-based platform that monitors the information space in real time, providing organizations with reliable and actionable data to manage physical and informational risks.
  • Metaenga – An XR educational platform designed for industrial enterprises and educational institutions to enhance global workforce development and workplace safety in energy sectors.
  • OptySun – A sustainable, technologically advanced, portable water purification system that uses solar energy and high-efficiency filtration to provide clean drinking water.
  • Paxhelper – A support system for civil aviation authorities and customer service centers, optimizing operations and enabling informed decision-making in a dynamic aviation environment.
  • Progalit – Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for the automation of treatment and prevention of urolithiasis.
  • V-Art – A B2B SaaS technology for automating intellectual property licensing for brands, creators, and AI tools.

The program supports innovative tech SMEs, startups, and scaling companies by covering the costs of essential services, including:

  • Developing a comprehensive business model to serve as a roadmap.
  • Creating a dynamic business plan.
  • Developing a growth strategy that sets clear goals and milestones.

Supporting Ukraine’s startup ecosystem is crucial not only for driving innovation but also for building a sustainable economic future. The Seeds of Bravery project aims to achieve this by offering comprehensive support in the form of financial and non-financial assistance to ensure startups thrive on all fronts.

Each end marks a new beginning, and the Seeds of Bravery project is always open for applications. The next deadline for tech SMEs, startups, and scale-ups to apply for the “Business and Innovation Services” program is August 20. This program offers grants of up to €10,000 for the following services:

  • Business consulting: Assistance in improving and developing a business model, business plan, or growth strategy.
  • IPR and patent analysis: Expert services on intellectual property rights and patent strategy to help businesses protect and develop their innovations.
  • Market analysis/validation: In-depth market trends, customer needs, and validation studies to ensure market fit and readiness.
  • Internationalization services (including participation in conferences, fairs, and missions): Support in expanding operations to new European markets and meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Portfolio management services and investor relations: Assistance in preparing clear financial reporting and effective communication with investors.
  • Planning and digital tools for crowdfunding campaigns (equity): Recommendations on integrating digital technologies into fundraising.

Learn more about the terms and conditions here:

Financially supported by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission is responsible for them. The UASEEDs project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 101104445.

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