Company mission was held in Kyiv on 31st January 2018 between Ukrainian and Italian companies in frame of Angelina Alfano’s, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, official visit to the “Ukrainian-Italian Business Forum”. Co-organizers of event were some partners of EEN-Ukraine Consortium: Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The event was aimed at establishing of cooperation between leading companies of both countries.
The event took place in the form of B2B meetings of companies which produce goods and services. Organizers have formed three working groups with representatives of Italian companies attending Ukrainian companies according to industries in which they work or have interest. Totally, 9 Italian companies took part in the Company mission and have visited 8 Ukrainian enterprises.
Next Italian companies as Lotti Associati SpA, Astaldi SpA, Latterie Venete, MM3 Consul ting TOV, Energy Technology Srl(OCEM), VEMA SRL and others were present on Company mission. The Ukrainian side were presented by PBG, Kyiv subway, Ukrprommash, State Joint Stock Company Ukraine roads, Mitrodplus, International Airport Kyiv, 410 Civil Aviation Plant and Ukrprogrestech.
During the meeting some companies have reached agreements between each other which may lead to further mutually beneficial cooperation.