The World Geothermal Congress 2020+1 brought together delegates and industry representatives from around the world. The event was now split into a virtual event series from April throughout July 2021 with the on-site event in some hybrid format to took place October 24-27, 2021 in Harpa conference Centre, Reykjavik Iceland. The conference is focusing on the benefits of utilizing geothermal energy. It brings together respected experts from all around the world and provides opportunities for networking and exchange of knowledge in all fields of the geothermal value chain. The event is hosted by Iceland Geothermal initiative of the Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster.
Enterprise Europe Network is organized a hybrid matchmaking event to took place October 25 2021 at Harpa conference centre, allowed participants to meet either on site in Reykjavik during the WGC or participate and engage virtually through an online system. The event was targeting exhibitors and visitors to the conference but other companies and organizations were also welcome. The Matchmaking event allowed for on-site matchmaking as well as electronic engagement for those who cannot attend in person.
The event was attended by 1 Ukrainian company that had 1 b2b meeting.