Information day in Dnipro “European programs for SMEs: EEN, H2020, COSME”

19 April 2018

EEN-Ukraine Consortium together with the Dnipro Business Support Center (was founded with EBRD support) held an information day on the European Union program. The event was organized in the Dnipro Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The infoday was aimed at European integration and were presented and its support for the competitiveness of SMEs and innovation organizations, as well as the development of international trade. Ukrainian SMEs received interesting information about opportunities to fully integrate into the European economy.

The main experts of the event were:

  1. Lyudmina Voynalovich, Analyst of the SME Financing and Development Group, EBRD;
  2. Stella Shapoval, Deputy Head of the Department for International Cooperation and European Integration, National Coordinator of National Contact Points H2020;
  3. Olena Koval, representative of the Center for Cooperation with the EU in the field of science and technology NCP H2020;
  4. Olena Fesenko, Coordinator of the EEN-Ukraine Consortium, Head of the International Cooperation, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Department of the Institute of Physics of the NAS of Ukraine.

Cooperation programs with the EU had given rise of lively interest of the participants of event in Dnipro. These programs were topically for everyone, from small and medium-sized businesses to science representatives. Modern European funding programs also open up wide opportunities for startups.

Coordinator of EEN-Ukraine Consortium Dr. Olena Fesenko made a practical training about EEN and its tools. The templates of project proposal s for SMEs Instrument Program, examples of the successful proposals and the right mechanisms for drawing up a business plan was considered during the practical part of this infoday too. Al so the Success Stories from Ukrainian SMEs were presented. It showed good experience that it is need not be afraid and took the risk of plunging into a new business horizon.

If you have additional questions, call us at tel. (044) 525 98 41 or write to e-mail