February 28, 2023 Consortium EEN Ukraine , within the framework of the “Electric energy matchmaking Forum for Ukraine support” platform, organized the ONLINE event “Developing Modern Energy system in Ukraine: microgrid, alternative, green and renewable energy”.
The broadcast of the event is available at the link.
- The event was moderated by Olena Fesenko, general manager of the EEN-Ukraine Consortium. The event was opened by:
- Farid SAFAROV, Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine
- Gunnar MATTHIESSEN, representative of the European Commission and EISMEA
As part of the event, specialists from leading innovative companies and state organizations told:
- how to support the reconstruction of the energy system of Ukraine in the most modern way and with the use of the most breakthrough technologies and initiatives of the European Union.
- how to expand cooperation between the EU and Ukrainian SMEs in the energy sector.
- Till STEINKAMP, representative of the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, spoke about the Emergency Response Coordination Center (ERCC)
- Marie-Teresa RICHTER-KUNERT, representative of the Secretariat of the Energy Community, head of the fiduciary working group for Ukraine and Moldova, spoke about the Energy Support Fund of Ukraine and its tools/mechanism for supporting the recovery of the energy system of Ukraine
- Ashley HUNZIKER, Procurement Director of the Energy Security Project, USAID, spoke about the tools to support the Energy System of Ukraine
- Martina DISS, representative of the General Directorate for Growth, European Commission, spoke about “The Single market program and new opportunities for Ukrainian SMEs”
- Taras BOYCHUK, head of the Office of the Joint PPP, Ministry of Reconstruction of Ukraine, spoke about the national mechanisms for the recovery of Ukraine
- Niko HACHECHILADZE, representative of the State Organization “Agency for the Support of Public-Private Partnership” revealed the role of public-private partnership in the restoration of the energy industry of Ukraine
- Olga Shubina, co-ordinator of the EN Ukrainian Consortium. She presented the European Enterprise Network EN and its tools,
Also, within the framework of this event, companies shared their experience and best practices in the following areas:
- microgrid energy system;
- cogeneration;
- alternative energy;
- renewable energy;
- green technologies;
- heat supply networks.
The event was attended by representatives of the state and private sectors, end consumers, state organizations, manufacturers and distributors of various energy equipment, including:
- Consulting Engineering Agent Service
- Enertek Ltd
- Solarstone
- LightMirror
- Superior Performance Energy
- Zero Emission Advisors
- Turbine Marine Inc
- ТОВ “Унітарний Енергостандарт”
- Arabinski SRL
The full recording of the event can be seen at the link
Hurry up to see!!