A French company specialized in feed supplements for horses is looking for plant suppliers

Country of Origin: France
Reference Number: TRFR20210903001
Pubilcation Date: 2021-09-03


A French company which produces feed supplements for horses is looking for plant suppliers. Frequently they are looking for specific plants regarded as feed raw materials. For example, Sophora Japonica and Sarracenia Purpurea are currently sought. Commercial agreements with technical assistance are sought with such plant suppliers.


The French company has been entirely dedicated to horse's well-being, health and performance for over 30 years. The company supplies veterinarians and horse owners with a very comprehensive range of solutions, tailored to all the situations a horse may encounter like medicinal products (including wormers), feed supplements, skincare or insect repellents.

The company takes part in research of innovative ingredients and works with manufacturers to formulate and produce the feed supplements. Frequently they are looking for plants considered as feed materials, according to their project. They are currently looking for Sophora Japonica plant (not extract), Sarracenia Purpurea plant, vegetable alternatives to oils rich in omega 3. Nevertheless their needs can change very quickly, so all suppliers contacts are valuable.

Commercial agreements with technical assistance will be carefully studied with all suppliers able to provide those products. Indeed technical information on each ingredient will be needed to determine the best way to work together.

Expertise sought

As their products are presented in pellet, liquid and paste form, all galenic forms are considering when choosing ingredients. Moreover, the French company provides supplements for animals, therefore ingredients with feed certifications are preferred but others will also be studied.

Stage of Development

Field tested/evaluated

Stage of Development Comment

They are looking for any ingredient with technical information.
Could be ingredient already on the market and/or ingredient evaluated and tested. Ingredient with certification will be a must-have.

Requested Partner

•Type of partner sought: manufacturers of any ingredient beneficial to animals.

•Specific area of activity of the partner: partners capable of providing Sophora Japonica plant (not extract), Sarracenia purpurea plant, vegetable alternatives to oils rich in omega 3 are sought. Any other ingredient with added-value for animals is also interesting and will be considered.

•Tasks to be performed: ideally, the partners have to be available, efficient and responsive. Industrial partners already working in animal feed are sought:
. specific certifications will be a must-have ;
. technical information on ingredients will be requested.

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