Request Forms Download Forms Business Request Form Title (up to 256 characters): Description (100-4000 characters): Technical Specification or Expertise Sought (up to 4000 characters): Summary (1-500 characters): Advantages and Innovations (50-2000 characters): Stage of Development: Stage of Development:Already on the marketAvailable for demonstrationConcept stageField tested/evaluatedProject already startedProject in negotiationsProposal under developmentPrototype available for demonstrationUnder development/lab tested Comments Regarding Stage of Development (up to 2000 characters): IPR Status: IPR Status:CopyrightDesign RightsExclusive RightsGranted patent or patent application essentialOtherPatent(s) applied for but not yet grantedPatents grantedSecret Know-howTrade Marks Comments Regarding IPR Status (up to 2000 characters): Profile Origin: Technology Keywords (max. 5 keywords): Market Keywords (max. 5 keywords): Sector Group: Sector Group:AgrofoodAutomotive, Transport and LogisticsBio Chem TechCreative IndustriesEnvironmentHealthcareICT (Information and Communications Technologies) Industry and ServicesIntelligent EnergyMaritime Industry and ServicesMaterialsNano- and MicrotechnologiesServices and RetailSpace and AerospaceSustainable ConstructionTextile and FashionTourism and Cultural Heritage Restrict dissemination to specific countries: Type of your Company/Institution: Type of your Company/Institution:AgrofoodAutomotive, Transport and LogisticsBio Chem TechCreative IndustriesEnvironmentHealthcareICT (Information and Communications Technologies) Industry and ServicesIntelligent EnergyMaritime Industry and ServicesMaterialsNano- and MicrotechnologiesServices and RetailSpace and AerospaceSustainable ConstructionTextile and FashionTourism and Cultural Heritage Size of your Company/Institution: Year established: NACE Keywords (max. 5 keywords): Turnover (euro): Turnover (euro):< 1M> 500M1-10M10-20M20-50M50-100M100-250M250-500M Already Engaged in Trans-National Cooperation: Already Engaged in Trans-National Cooperation: Yes No Additional Comments (up to 4000 characters): Certification Standards: Languages Spoken: Contact Person's Name: Contact e-mail: Type and Role of Partner Sought (up to 4000 characters): Type and Size of Partner Sought Type and Size of Partner SoughtInventorUniversityR&D InstitutionSME < 10SME 11-50SME 51-250251-500> 500 Type of Partnership Considered: Type of Partnership Considered:Commercial agreement with technical assistanceFinancial agreementJoint venture agreementLicence agreementManufacturing agreementResearch cooperation agreementServices agreement 9 + 12 = Submit Technology Request Form Title (up to 256 characters): Description (100-4000 characters): Technical Specification or Expertise Sought (up to 4000 characters): Summary (1-500 characters): Advantages and Innovations (50-2000 characters): Stage of Development: Stage of Development:Already on the marketAvailable for demonstrationConcept stageField tested/evaluatedProject already startedProject in negotiationsProposal under developmentPrototype available for demonstrationUnder development/lab tested Comments Regarding Stage of Development (up to 2000 characters): IPR Status: IPR Status:CopyrightDesign RightsExclusive RightsGranted patent or patent application essentialOtherPatent(s) applied for but not yet grantedPatents grantedSecret Know-howTrade Marks Comments Regarding IPR Status (up to 2000 characters): Profile Origin: Technology Keywords (max. 5 keywords): Market Keywords (max. 5 keywords): Sector Group: Sector Group:AgrofoodAutomotive, Transport and LogisticsBio Chem TechCreative IndustriesEnvironmentHealthcareICT (Information and Communications Technologies) Industry and ServicesIntelligent EnergyMaritime Industry and ServicesMaterialsNano- and MicrotechnologiesServices and RetailSpace and AerospaceSustainable ConstructionTextile and FashionTourism and Cultural Heritage Restrict dissemination to specific countries: Type of your Company/Institution: Type of your Company/Institution:AgrofoodAutomotive, Transport and LogisticsBio Chem TechCreative IndustriesEnvironmentHealthcareICT (Information and Communications Technologies) Industry and ServicesIntelligent EnergyMaritime Industry and ServicesMaterialsNano- and MicrotechnologiesServices and RetailSpace and AerospaceSustainable ConstructionTextile and FashionTourism and Cultural Heritage Size of your Company/Institution: Year established: NACE Keywords (max. 5 keywords): Turnover (euro): Turnover (euro):< 1M> 500M1-10M10-20M20-50M50-100M100-250M250-500M Already Engaged in Trans-National Cooperation: Already Engaged in Trans-National Cooperation: Yes No Additional Comments (up to 4000 characters): Certification Standards: Languages Spoken: Contact Person's Name: Contact e-mail: Type and Role of Partner Sought (up to 4000 characters): Type and Size of Partner Sought Type and Size of Partner SoughtInventorUniversityR&D InstitutionSME < 10SME 11-50SME 51-250251-500> 500 Type of Partnership Considered: Type of Partnership Considered:Commercial agreement with technical assistanceFinancial agreementJoint venture agreementLicence agreementManufacturing agreementResearch cooperation agreementServices agreement 6 + 7 = Submit Research & Development Request Form Title (up to 256 characters): Description (100-4000 characters): Technical Specification or Expertise Sought (up to 4000 characters): Summary (1-500 characters): Advantages and Innovations (50-2000 characters): Stage of Development: Stage of Development:Already on the marketAvailable for demonstrationConcept stageField tested/evaluatedProject already startedProject in negotiationsProposal under developmentPrototype available for demonstrationUnder development/lab tested Comments Regarding Stage of Development (up to 2000 characters): IPR Status: IPR Status:CopyrightDesign RightsExclusive RightsGranted patent or patent application essentialOtherPatent(s) applied for but not yet grantedPatents grantedSecret Know-howTrade Marks Comments Regarding IPR Status (up to 2000 characters): Technology Keywords (max. 5 keywords): Market Keywords (max. 5 keywords): Sector Group: Sector Group:AgrofoodAutomotive, Transport and LogisticsBio Chem TechCreative IndustriesEnvironmentHealthcareICT (Information and Communications Technologies) Industry and ServicesIntelligent EnergyMaritime Industry and ServicesMaterialsNano- and MicrotechnologiesServices and RetailSpace and AerospaceSustainable ConstructionTextile and FashionTourism and Cultural Heritage Restrict dissemination to specific countries: Type of your Company/Institution: Type of your Company/Institution:AgrofoodAutomotive, Transport and LogisticsBio Chem TechCreative IndustriesEnvironmentHealthcareICT (Information and Communications Technologies) Industry and ServicesIntelligent EnergyMaritime Industry and ServicesMaterialsNano- and MicrotechnologiesServices and RetailSpace and AerospaceSustainable ConstructionTextile and FashionTourism and Cultural Heritage Size of your Company/Institution: Year established: NACE Keywords (max. 5 keywords): Turnover (euro): Turnover (euro):< 1M> 500M1-10M10-20M20-50M50-100M100-250M250-500M Already Engaged in Trans-National Cooperation: Already Engaged in Trans-National Cooperation: Yes No Additional Comments (up to 4000 characters): Certification Standards: Languages Spoken: Contact Person's Name: Contact e-mail: Type and Role of Partner Sought (up to 4000 characters): Type and Size of Partner Sought Type and Size of Partner SoughtInventorUniversityR&D InstitutionSME < 10SME 11-50SME 51-250251-500> 500 Type of Partnership Considered: Type of Partnership Considered:Commercial agreement with technical assistanceFinancial agreementJoint venture agreementLicence agreementManufacturing agreementResearch cooperation agreementServices agreement Framework Programme: Call name (up to 256 characters): Submission and evaluation scheme (up to 256 characters): Anticipated project Budget (up to 32 characters): Coordinator required: Coordinator required: Yes No Deadline for Call: Project duration (weeks): Weblink to The Call (up to 256 characters): Project Title and Acronym (up to 256 characters): 12 + 6 = Submit